Top Training Tips for Golden Retrievers

English Cream Golden Retrievers are among the best dog breeds in the world. They are very intelligent, gentle, friendly, loyal and energetic. Moreover, training a golden retriever is an easy job that you will definitely love. Here are some essential tips that should help new (and experienced) golden retriever puppy owners to train their best furry friend.

Train Yourself First

Before you bring a Golden Retriever puppy to your home you should first make sure that your home is pet safe so that your new family member does not injure itself. This must be done before any kind of training can commence.

Train Yourself First

Start Training Them Young

Training should begin when your pup is between eight to twelve weeks old. You should begin with simple commands such as, sit, lie down, stay and come. These commands will instill in your pet the idea that you are its master. Due to their easy going nature and trainability, Golden retrievers are excellent as guides for the deaf and blind.

Start Training Them Young

Train Your Golden Retriever as its Master

Make your dog know that you are its boss and create a strong bond with your British white golden retriever puppy by tempering that discipline with love and kindness. You just need to use its instincts in its training.

Train Your Golden Retriever as its Master

Grooming is Essential

Grooming your Golden retrievers is essential as they are known for their luscious, shiny hair. They should be bathed and groomed often in order to maintain their velvety coat as Golden retrievers shed profusely about twice a year. Habituating your dog to frequent grooming sessions will help to decrease the amount of hair it sheds. If grooming is neglected for a long time, your dog may begin to shed hair in patches. (This may also be an indication of stress or disease.) Finally, ear cleaning is a must in order to prevent ear infections.

Grooming is Essential

Potty Training

Toilet training is the most important lesson for white golden retrievers. Don’t punish them harshly when they make your space dirty. As you train them be patient.

Vaccination and Special Care

Do have a regular vet check-up for your English cream golden retriever. Vaccinations are very important at the initial stage of growth for your dog. Proper vaccinations help to ward off conditions such as worm infections, viral infections, etc. If your retriever is female and is pregnant, you need to take special care in its diet, health, and activity. It’s good to avoid any vaccination during its pregnancy as dogs can be vaccinated later during their nursing stage. Since golden retrievers are very active, try to make sure that they do not get too much activity while they are pregnant. This can help to prevent dogs from having stillborn puppies.


Activities for your Golden

A golden retriever’s two unique qualities are its eagerness to please, and its sheer obedience. These two qualities make it a top performer in shows and other activities. Moreover, Golden retrievers are excellent swimmers and are easy to train for water rescue missions.

Give Them Some Free Time

Dogs like to explore the world on their own. Thus, it is very important to give your golden retrievers some time to spend on their own so that they can learn about the world around them.

Give Them Some Free Time

Both English cream & White golden retrievers are definitely must-have pets for pet lovers. Golden retrievers are naturally gentle & loving nature. This makes them an excellent addition to most families.

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